How many people are in your family?

How many people do you think are in a typical American family?

What do you do?

What do the members of your family do?

What job do you think is the best for keeping family?

What person do you think you are : of big, middle, or small family income?

How do you distribute money in your family?

Do you live in a private house or in an apartment?

Will you ask your family for advice when you have problems or will you solve them yourself?

Do you think you can tell your mother everything that worries you?

During my stay in Boston I questioned 12 students and 1 woman. And now I want to show you my results.

On the first question of my survey about how many people are in their families, I had such answers:

  • 2 students have a family of 4 people;
  • 3-of5;
  • 3-more than 5;
  • 1 girl has divorced parents and, as I understand, she is on the best terms with them, so she often visits her dad's house and her mom's. With her mother live 3 people and with her father live 5 people.

Perhaps, when you ask people about how many people are in a typical American family, people who answer this question, judge by their own families, but so it or not, but students answered in such a way:

  • 8 students think that 4-5 people ;
  • 4 students-5-6 people.

5 people whom I asked my questions don't have a job, as I understood during my stay in the USA, it is no necessary to have a job (students have a job, because someone wants to have his/her own money, someone wants to help his/her parents). The questioned students have different preferences to different jobs:

  • they help their parents in their business;
  • work with kids
  • in art studio;
  • 2 guys work as a cashier.

Every parent of these students work and work a lot, for example the parents of 1 girl have their own business and appear at home only on a weekend.

On the question about what job is the best for keeping family, I had such answers:

  • such a job when you work in a family business, work a lot and have a lot of money (I like such a job), but on the first place was:
  1. a Doctor;
  2. a Lawyer;
  3. a Pharmaceutist, a Teacher, an accountant.
  • 9 students are the persons of middle income;
  • 1- of big;
  • 1-of small;
  • 1-doesn't know.

3 students answered that almost all the money they distribute on food and bills. Other guys, as I understand, are not informed about how their families distribute money, one person said about it and others:

  • 1 says that his mother handles all the money;
  • 2-that their money is their money;
  • 2-that they give their money their families;
  • and some more- that their parents give them as much money as they want.

9 of my questioned students live in apartments, but the parents of 3 of them own the whole house, and other apartments they lease. 3 student live in the houses. And one girl (her parents are divorced), her mother lives in an apartment and her father lives in a private house.

On the question about will their parents give them money for the SAT test:

  • 8 students answered positively;
  • 3- negatively;
  • 1 girl doesn't know.

About do they share their problems with their parents or solve them themselves.

  • 6 people answered that they share with their problems, because sometimes parents can help them with a good advice, sometimes it is better for you if you unburden yourself;
  • 2 students are on the best terms with their mothers, and their mothers for them are the same as close friends;
  • 2 guys can share their problems with their mothers, but they are not close;
  • 2 guys are not sure in their mothers;
  • 6 students are unable to stand their mothers and don't know how it is possible to tell something them about themselves.
  • a few guys think that their mothers have an old fashioned mind;
  • others - that they have a big mouth and that after their son/daughter tells them something, everybody in their district will know about it.

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