What do you usually do to keep fit?

How often do you exercise?

How often do you visit a doctor?

Do you and your family have medical coverage? If not, why?

Who gives the medical coverage?

Do you think that the healthcare system in America is good? Why? Why not?

What do you think are the main diseases in America?

What do you think are the main medical insurance companies?

Is it easy to get medicine from a drugstore?

During my stay in Boston I have questioned 9 persons: 6 students, 2 women and a man. And these are my results.

On the first question of my survey about what people usually do to keep fit, I had such answers:

  • 3 people usually exercise at home.
  • 5 people do sports:
  • 2 students usually run a lot.
  • 2 students play basketball with their friends.
  • 1 student is an American football player.
  • 1 woman tries to eat only healthy food.

Then I asked them about how often they exercise and this is what they said:

  • 5 people exercise just about every day.
  • 3 people do it 3 or 4 times a week.
  • 1 student says that he exercises only when he have sports practice.

On the question about how often they visit a doctor, answers were:

  • 6 students say that they visit a doctor about every 6 months.
  • 2 people say that every month.
  • 1 woman is a nurse practitioner herself.

All the people questioned have medical coverage.

Almost everybody gives Aids and Cancer the main diseases in America.

The people interviewed also say that it is not easy to get medicine from the drugstore.

On my last question if the healthcare system in America is good or not, I had only positive answers:

  • 5 people say that the healthcare system is good.
  • 4 people say that it is very good.

I was really interested and my next question was why they think so:

  • 2 students say yes because they think that people who take part in this system have saved many lives.
  • 4 people think so because they are sure that America is mostly country healthy people.

Snowden International High School

Student Health Center

The Boston Public Health Commission, in cooperation with the Boston Public Schools and Boston Medical Center, operates the Student Health Center at Snowden International High School. Their mission is to provide in-school health services that are both convenient and easily accessible to treat the health problems that so often interfere with academic success. Read on for specifics about what the Student Health Center will offer.

What is the Student Health Center?

What services does it offer?

The Student Health Center is a health center located at Snowden International High School. You can come to the center for routine health care, to be treated when you are ill, or if you have health-related questions to which you'd like answers. The health center will not replace your own primary care provider if you have one, but will try to contact that provider should you need treatment.

The Student Health Center offers students two services: primary care (general medicine) and health education. These services are broken down as follows:


  • Physical exams for sports, school, and employment
  • Immunizations
  • Tuberculosis testing and follow-up
  • Visits for illness or injury, and prescriptions
  • Referrals for other health care, as needed, including lab work
  • Sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing and treatment
  • Pregnancy diagnosis and testing


  • Nutrition
  • Counseling around adolescent issues such as drugs, alcohol, pregnancy and parenting, smoking, stress, reduction, AIDS, STDs, and violence prevention
  • Mental health referrals when needed

Who works at the Student Health Center?

What are nurse practitioners and physician assistants?

The center is staffed by a nurse practitioner or physician assistant, a health coordinator, nutritionist, mental health provider, teen counselor and hygienist. They work in collaboration with the school nurse and the student support coordinator. The center is under the medical direction of the attending physician, Karen Hacker, M.D., an adolescent medicine specialist from the Boston Public Health Commission and Boston Medical Center.

Nurse practitioners provide medical care. They are registered nurses and have advanced education and training in specialities such as pediatrics or family medicine. They are licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and can also prescribe medicine.

Physicians assistants also provide medical care. They have a BA or Bs and advanced medical education. They are licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and can prescribe medication under the license of a physician.

Who can use the Student Health Center?

If I am not enrolled in the program, what services will be available?

Any student enrolled at the school can use the health center with parental consent. Students over the age of 18 or emancipated minors may consent for themselves.

The school nurse is on duty during the school day to assess medical problems.

Will it cost anything?

No students will be denied health services because they cannot pay for them. But if you have private insurance or Medicaid, the health center will do the necessary billing.

Is my reason for using the health center going to be kept private?

All student health services are kept confidential by health care providers and the school nurse.

Do I need my parent's permission to use the center?

Yes, if you are under 18 years old, one of your parents or your guardian must sign the attached consent form before you can be seen at the Student Health Center. Please have a parent or guardian fill out the insurance information too.


What is the Student Health Fee and how much does it cost?

Every student enrolled at UMass Boston is required to pay a mandatory Health Fee. The current fees per semester are $71 for full-time students and $35.50 for part-time students.

Fees support the overhead and staffing for most services and programs. There may be fees for specific services. You will be notified about the charges when you call for an appointment .

What is the Student Health Insurance Plan, who and what does it cover, and how much does it cost?

The UMass Boston Health Insurance Plan is available to all students at UMass Boston. This plan provides coverage for hospitalization and other health care services not obtainable at the Health Service, and has a charge separate from the mandatory Student Health Fee, which supports the Health Service. The charge for the plan for the '99--00 policy year, 9/1/00 through 8/31/200` is $763. A brochure covering the plan is available through Health Services administration. Coverage for spouse and/or children is available. Premiums are included in the brochure.

What if I already have insurance?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Universal Health Insurance Law requires that every full-time undergraduate and graduate student participating in 75% or more of the full-time curriculum participate in either the student health insurance program offered by the University or some other comparable health insurance program. At UMass Boston, a student is participating in 75% of full-time curriculum if he or she is register for 9 credits or more at the undergraduate level, or for 7 credits or more at the graduate level.

Every student must submit a completed Student Health Insurance Waiver Card, indicating if the UMass Boston Health Insurance Plan is being waived. The cards are to be mailed or brought directly to the Bursar's Office.

 What are the Immunization Requirements?

The Massachusetts College Immunization Law requires that all degree-seeking students submit documented evidence of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and tetanus to complete registration for classes. Please note that under new regulations, which became effective August 1, 1991, 2 measles shots are required and they must have been received at least one month apart. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in an administrative hold of records.

 Note to continuing students: the immunization clearance (the requirement for which includes two measles shots) is required only once. Therefore, if you have already received that clearance, no further action is required of you.


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